
Last updated and effective date 10/12/2022

QABD is a queer-led organization that archives social and political memories of native and diasporic Queer communities related to the Bengal Delta.

Metadata Statement

Archival metadata is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage archival materials (e.g. location, date, time, format, and source). It serves as a tool for organizing and understanding the content, context, and structure of archival collections.


Some of the main issues with existing metadata protocols are the lack of terminology around gender and sexuality in Bangla, as well as the need for better Bangla-to-English translations. Reimagining institutional categories became necessary for us to create our own flexible and evolving metadata. In addition, many of the archived materials are sourced from homophobic state/private institutions, so when creating descriptions for them, we avoided using the same language used in the original content. Traditional archiving centers on the authenticity of the source, but we wanted to focus on queer meanings and resistance.


As a result, we intentionally pushed back against describing archival contents in their original terms. We also had to hide or remove certain details due to the threat of violence, targeting, and shame that queer people in Bangladesh face. Rather than centering data and information in creating metadata, we carefully crafted categories and language that reflect the political and social realities of queer Bangladeshis. This is a challenging task, and we’re learning every day.


We also understand that language around gender and sexuality is a product of social struggle. The meanings of terms like third gender, trans, koti, and others change as they are embedded in diverse struggles. When we use these words, we do so with the acknowledgment and humility that the meanings may change faster than we can keep up in our archives, or these words may land ungently on the archive’s users despite our best attempts.


If you have any thoughts or want to contribute to this conversation, please feel free to reach out.

Collections Guidelines

The mission of Queer Archives of the Bengal Delta (QABD) is to collect, preserve, and make available social and political memories of queer communities related to the Bengal Delta region to the queer community and also as primary source material with historical value for educational, movement building, and research needs.


QABD welcomes gifts of archival materials that fall within the scope of its collecting activities, that will strengthen and advance the mission of QABD. Gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding that, once received, they are to be digitally preserved by QABD. QABD reserves the right to determine the materials’ retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to their use or disposition.


Materials with restrictions on access or use will often not be accepted; in some cases, materials of great historical value with clearly stated restrictions of limited duration will be considered. Historical, political, and community significance of any material will need to be established on a case-by-case basis and through careful deliberation and collaboration before the items are collected. In exceptional circumstances, collection creators can retract and change privacy within a time duration that is within the capacities of QABD.


QABD reserves the right to duplicate, digitize, and make copies for preservation purposes, regardless of the copyright status of the item(s).


QABD is unable to collect items where resources do not allow us to meet the collection’s space requirements or preservation needs.

Access Statement

We carefully developed four different tiers of access to prioritize the safety and protection of the archival contents, while addressing the varying needs for different types of materials. Our goal is to ensure that Bangladeshi queer members have the highest level of access, while others receive access based on their demonstrated needs. All access requests will be reviewed and approved by QABD members.


*exceptions apply